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Photoshop and The Alt / Option Key


There’s few occasions when I’m in Photoshop that I don’t have my thumb resting on the Alt key. What makes this humble little key so special? Well, let me show you just a few of the occasions where I really couldn’t do without it. [More]

Composite Images: Attention to Detail


Anyone familiar with my work knows that I’m a big fan of compositing images in Photoshop, and can spend hours sometimes on one image tweeking this and that. For this short tutorial I want to cover [More]

Halloweenie Brush Pack, 2010


When I was a kid, my mom went all out with decorating on holidays and for special times during the year. One of her favorite times to decorate was October. On Halloween, there were always decorations [More]

The 5 min Photoshop Retouch


There are few things i hate more than a snapshot of myself….my nose looks large, my eyes are non-existent, and my face is round.  Snapshots don’t usually get the pro retouch…but I [More]

Watermark It With A Photoshop Brush


Photographer Andie Smith joins us again with a Quick Tip on keeping your work safe online If it is on the internet, it’s free. WRONG! But this is how some people think… one of the ways I [More]

Photoshop CS5 – New Painting Brushes


We wanted to get a proper perspective of the new brushes in CS5 so we asked traditional and digital artist Tim Shelbourne to give us his thoughts.   Tim on Twitter Tim’s Blog [More]

Local Adjustments in Lightroom


No I’m not talking about going to your local chiropractor…..We are talking Lightroom, Silly! I will admit until a couple months ago a few weeks ago I knew there was Local Adjustments in [More]

Texas Snowman


I’m diverting from the restoration tutorials because, well, it’s Winter and I want to build a snowman! The only problem with that is that I live in North Central Texas and if we ever do [More]

Repairing Ink Blots


Bad things happen. Bad things even happen to our photos. Bad things like…ink. So when the bad thing happens, how do you go about fixing it? The first thing to remember is to not try to wipe it [More]

Stencil From Photo


A few months ago I was playing with Photoshop and made a couple of stencil pictures out of stock photos (See them here) so I thought I’d do a short tutorial on how to make them.   Step 1.  Go to [More]

Using Livebrush with Photoshop


There is a brilliant program called Livebrush Lite that can be used to draw out very cool little patterns easily with the your mouse just by simple mouse movements.   1. So firstly go [More]

Vectors From Photograph – Flesh Tones


Continuing our vector tutorial – we will work on the flesh this week… Step 1 We begin by downloading the source file we last worked on from – Here. Next, group the bikini vector we made [More]
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