The Final Picture–Post Processing with the Experts
A few months ago a couple of the Photoshop Nuts were contacted to see if we’d like to work alongside Welshot Imaging Academy with some of their projects, and I’m delighted to say the first of these is taking place next month.
Fellow Nut Gavin Hoey headlines while myself and friend to and regular Welshot Team Leader John Arnold completing the bill. There’s more details on the Welshot page, but here’s a taster….
Sunday 14 April 2013 from 9:00 to 18:00
Ramada Hotel Salford Quays
The day will be a mix of lectures, practical sessions and fun with your own camera.
This Day will have it all – all you need to get your image from your minds eye, into your camera and then off your camera, onto your computer and then into a format you can show your image off to the world – or, just those around you.
This event is about showing the photographer, whether new to this hobby, or serious about your post processing the what’s, how’s and why’s can be be achieved through Post Processing of your images.
You will be shown the main – obvious choices of software but you will also be shown fun, affordable and funky alternative ways you can finish off your image.
This event will be fun and practical with some hands on camera work involved – so don’t forget to bring your camera and YOUR image could be the one chosen to be worked on by the experts throughout the day.
Help, guidance and tuition will be paramount on this day and the event has been specifically designed so that groups are kept to a minimum number and you will be able to take part in all sessions being offered.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Je ne pourrez pas y participer et j’en suis désoler mes je peu vous
faire partager l’une de mes photo au format et sujet qui vous conviene
a noter que je suis debutant mes cela m’intéresse et mon budget et limite à vous de voir.
Un grand merci et mes sincère salutation.