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Ten More Things About Lightroom


AJ Wood returns with a follow up to his popular post Ten Things Beginners Should Know in Lightroom with an updated Lightroom 4 edition. These are AJ’s ‘must know’s’, do you have any of your own you want to share? Drop them in the comments and we’ll compile them for a future post. [More]

Photoshop CS6–The Small Stuff


Photoshop CS6 brings us a whole raft of new and exciting tools to play with and it’s also stuffed full of major improvements. We even get some new filters to play with too. But once you’ve been using the Photoshop CS6 for a while you’ll start to notice lots of small changes. In fact Adobe have made dozens and dozens of little tweaks and enhancements that will probably never make the headlines but may well be incredibly useful. [More]

Take Control of your Photoshop Brushes!


Are you tired of the hunt and peck method of finding your favorite Photoshop brushes? Learn to organize and save your favorite brushes with Preset Manager. With you could save an entire palette of brushes with color and opacity preset? You can, and today we'll see how using Tool Presets. [More]

Solving Common Photoshop Problems–The Brush Tool


Sometimes the simplest things can create the biggest headaches, and so it is with the Brush tool in Photoshop. You might think, grab the tool, set the color, shape and brush size, and paint away. But then… something is wrong. The brush isn’t painting at all, or it’s painting in a way you aren’t expecting? What’s gone wrong? Should I reset preferences? Reinstall Photoshop? [More]

Halloween Photoshop Brushes and Tutorials


Its that time of year again, so here’s a little rundown of some of the goodies we’ve posted here on TipSquirrel in previous years; Halloween Brushes from Janine Smith In this post Janine [More]

Get Stuck In To Photoshop – A Beginners Guide


In this video I help those opening up Photoshop for the first time and being a little overawed by it all. We’ll take a quick look at the layout of Photoshop before singling out the tools and filters best suited for your first ‘play’ with this amazing software. [More]

Stroke Path With Brush – Extra


In this video I take a look at an old favourite Stroke Path With Brush. This time though I go a little further and experiment with more options. I admit, I love using this feature and may have been a [More]

Create a Power Line Background Using Photoshop


A few days ago Gavin Hoey posted a great tutorial on his YouTube Channel showing how to create a Fractured Image Effect. A lot of people asked how Gavin created his background for the tutorial so he’s very kindly recorded a new tutorial for TipSquirrel.com showing just that. [More]

Photoshop Quick Mask


Greetings all! Hope your week has been brilliant, and you have plenty to look forward to this weekend. Today I’ve made a video on how to use Quick Mask mode in Photoshop. Quick Mask mode, [More]

Easy Grunge Border in Photoshop


There are times when all you want to do is dive into Photoshop, create a quick effect and move on. So if that’s you and what you need right now is a quick grunge border read on, because [More]

Lightning and Break-Up Effects in Photoshop


Let’s take the classic lightning effect and add a little scatter effect too; Step 1. Make a new 1024×768 sized documents, set the background colour to black. Next using the Text tool Type [More]

Smart Brush and the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop Elements


Elements really has come of age recently and the release of Elements 9 with all its improvements and new features makes it a consideration of both amateur and professional photographers. In this video Gavin Hoey shows us one feature of Elements that makes editing images that much easier, the Smart Brush. [More]
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