Cropping For a Facebook Cover in Photoshop
So here we are, as I write this it’s Boxing Day and it occurs to me that readers might want to crop a new Christmas photo for their Facebook cover. So, here’s a quick overview;
1. Firstly you’ll need to select the Crop Tool;
2. Up at the top is a couple of input areas, fill them in as follows’
3. As you entered these figures you should have seen your crop change;
4. Position the image now by clicking in on the image and moving the image within the crop.
Save this as a preset for another time by clicking the downward arrow;
And then the New Icon;
Name it and it’ll be there for you next time!
If, Like me, you can’t quite get it to fit you may need to go to the next step. If all’s good press Enter (You may need to press it a couple of times if you didn’t move the image) and you’re done. Save it out and load into Facebook.
5. For this method you’re image should not be the Background Layer;
6. For me, the image doesn’t quite fit so I’m going to resize the image. Press enter as above making sure that Delete Cropped Pixels is NOT checked.
7. Press Ctrl+T (Win) or Cmd+t (Mac and resize your image;
8. Once you have your image you may need to fill a gap. Follow my Content Aware Scale technique, you can find it here.
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