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Synchronize Color Settings in Photoshop and Creative Cloud Apps


EricRennoIf you’ve ever delved into the Photoshop menus you might have come across Color Settings in the Edit menu. There’s a lot to alter here, but what’s that down the bottom right corner telling me that my Colours are not synchronised? There doesn’t seem to be any way to synchronise them either….


Cross Over To Bridge

To synchronize the color open Adobe Bridge and go to Edit > Color Settings;


You get a new window showing a series of options. Which one you choose will be dependant on your use of The Creative Cloud.


Click the one you require and click Apply.

Back in Photoshop, head to Edit > Color Settings once more.


And you’ll find you’re all synchronised.

If you use other Creative Cloud applications your color settings are synchronised throughout. Here I’ve opened InDesign and chosen Color Settings from the Edit menu



About Eric Renno (435 Articles)
Eric’s background in video editing with Adobe Premier led to his interest, and then obsession, with Photoshop. Starting TipSquirrel.com as a hobby he is proud to have gathered together and be a part of The Photoshop Nuts. Known as only “TipSquirrel” for two years, Eric ‘went public’ when he was a finalist in The Next Adobe Photoshop Evangelist competition. He’s also been a finalist in Deke’s Techniques Photoshop Challenge. While still taking on some freelance work, Eric has recently become a Lecturer at Peterborough’s Media and Journalism Centre where he enjoys sharing his knowledge as well as learning new skills. This realisation that he loves to teach has made Eric look at altering his career path.

3 Comments on Synchronize Color Settings in Photoshop and Creative Cloud Apps

  1. Another great addition to the Creative Cloud Software. I see a lot of mobile app development for Apple. What about Android?

  2. nice and helpful photoshop tut..thanks

  3. Awesome Photoshop tutorial. Thanks.

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