Humbug! Create a Festive Pattern with Photoshop
Christmas is fast approaching and I thought how would be the best way to get us all in the Christmas spirit, so I thought I’d show you how to make a Bah Humbug!
Step 1.
Download a chunky round font like this one and install it on your system.
Step 2.
Create a 1024×1024 sized document (or change the size if you want) and using the Bubbleboddy font (or font of your choice) write the word BAH! In size 300 pt. This will be stretched out, to correct this open the Character Palette and reduce the letter spacing to 25.
Step 3.
Select the rectangle marquee tool and on a new Layer draw a black rectangle and then a white rectangle under it. Duplicate the Layer (control & J) twice stacking them as in the example. Merge the 3 Layers down to 1 layer.
Step 4.
Using free transform and the warp Tool we are going to bring the ends together to create curves. Select the merged layer and use Free Transform (Control & T), next select the warp tool and bring the top left and top right anchors down as well as bringing the bottom left and bottom right anchors up. Name this layer humbug.
Step 5.
We now want to use the Plastic Wrap Filter to give it highlights, select Filter>Artistic>Plastic Wrap. Use the default settings.
Step 6.
Duplicate the Humbug Layer. Move the Duplicate Humbug Layer above the Text layer in the Layer palette. Drag the new Humbug layer over the letter B and create a Clipping Mask by selecting Layer>Create Clipping mask. Select the Magic Wand Tool and click on the B to add a selection. Select the Duplicate Humbug Layer and add a Reveal Selection Layer Mask (Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal Selection.)
Step 7.
Finally Add Bevel and Emboss Layer Style to the Duplicate Humbug Layer
Step 8.
Repeat this process for the other letters.
Step 9.
Create a new Layer under the Text Layer and select the Elliptical Marquee Tool, fill the selection with black and remove the selection. Blur the selection using the Gaussian Blur Filter (Filter>Blur>Gaussian) setting the strength to 15. finally reduce the opacity to around 60%.
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