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Smart Brush and the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop Elements

Elements really has come of age recently and the release of Elements 9 with all its improvements and new features makes it a consideration of both amateur and professional photographers. In this video Gavin Hoey shows us one feature of Elements that makes editing images that much easier, the Smart Brush.


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About Gavin Hoey (45 Articles)
Gavin has been a regular contributor to Digital Photo Magazine in the UK since 2003 where he writes “how to...” techniques on photography and Photoshop Elements. His Photoshop lectures are always in demand and he can often be seen popping up at camera clubs all over the UK.

8 Comments on Smart Brush and the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop Elements

  1. Thanks for this tutorial. You’ve really touched on some of the cool things that you can do with the Smart Brush.

    I am continually impressed with the new features that are added with each version of Photoshop Elements.

    Thanks again-


  2. Thanks Gavin for sharing, very helpfull.

  3. I have been enjoying and learning so much from your videos for some time now. I did experiment some with the smart brush but felt like it was cheating and went ahead and figured how to do most of that from scratch. Thanks for letting me feel like it’s ok, and giving me something new (again!) to play with on elements9 today.

  4. really Impressed

  5. I new things like that existed in elements but could never find them! Thanks for guiding my way in simple human terms!

  6. Daniel thomassin // 17/06/2013 at 8:29 am //

    Bonjour;Merci beaucoup pour votre tutoriel de Photoshop élément 9 car mon frère l’utilise mes ne ces pas sens servir .Je lui et fait parvenir le lien de votre site .
    Je vous souhaite une bonne journée à vous et vos collaborateurs.


  7. As always, Thank You, This is your first tutorial I did not have to take notes. Most are so jammed packed, a second thank you, that I have to have PS open and your video playing. You are the best and much appreciation, I just could not say Thank You again.

  8. Even if this video is really old, it’s still very useful. A lot of thanks man. If you’re just starting to use Ps, the qs tool is really helpful. It might frustrate others though, cuz it might select parts that they don’t want to be included but you could just press alt.

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