Importing Kuler Themes into Photoshop
**Update** Photoshop CC 2014 does not support this Kuler plug in, but there is a new Add-on, all the details can be found here. This technique is for Photoshop CS6 and before.
If, like me you’ve fallen in love with the Adobe Kuler mobile app (iOS) you may have gotten frustrated that you can’t import the themes into Photoshop, they are after all .ase files, for Illustrator right? Good news! You can bring them into Photoshop.
If you’re not familiar with Kuler, here’s a great intro from Terry White;
So what about us Photoshop folk? Well, it’s not so pretty but it works;
From download your theme
Save it to where you can find it then open the folder on your desktop, and locate the file
Click and drag this file to your Swatches palette in Photoshop, when you see the + sign on your cursor, drop the file.
A bit long winded, but still pretty helpful.
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