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Remove noise from video in Adobe Camera RAW

Untitled-1With almost every DSLR now able to shoot amazing HD video, the worlds of stills photography and video are getting ever closer. Coming from a photographic background can be extremely useful when moving in to video. Both mediums require skills like composition, exposure control and understanding depth of field however there some things stills photographers take for granted that videographers do not.

A perfect example is shooting in RAW and bumping up the ISO when the light levels drop. In stills photography a little bit of noise is often perfectly OK and pushing the exposure in RAW can fix minor errors without being noticed.

In video the latitude for adjusting in post processing is far less and high ISO noise can be a real problem.

If your video footage is suffering with lots of noise, Adobe Camera RAW in Photoshop CC can help reduce the problem. Bringing short video clips into Photoshop and then into Camera RAW is now very easy and the results can be amazing. It’s also worth noting that video clips can also be processed in Lightroom in the same way too.

About Gavin Hoey (45 Articles)
Gavin has been a regular contributor to Digital Photo Magazine in the UK since 2003 where he writes “how to...” techniques on photography and Photoshop Elements. His Photoshop lectures are always in demand and he can often be seen popping up at camera clubs all over the UK.

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