New Guide Layout in Photoshop CC 2014
Guides are an incredibly helpful feature in Photoshop but they’ve always been a little basic. For many, myself included, the answer lay in the brilliant plug in GuideGuide. If you’re not lucky enough to have Photoshop CC then this is still, by far, the best alternative. For those with Photoshop CC however check out the new feature, New Guide Layouts.
Found in the same menu as Guides, New Guide Layout is easily accessible from the View Menu. The three dots to the side of the menu item let you know there’s more to this, and sure enough when selected a new dialogue box appears.
Once in this dialogue box there’s a heap of variables you can use;
In its simplest form you can very quickly add guides across the image in columns, rows or both.
If the guides want to be a certain width or hight, you can do that too by adding in the dimensions. Like other dialogue boxes of this type you can use different measurements by adding px, mm, in etc.
Gutter refers to the space between two columns or rows;
Next is the margin, how much room should be left around the outside, handy if you need a bleed area.
Finally there’s two options at the bottom where you can centre up the guides, so that they are draw from the centre out, and Clear Existing Guides. Unchecking this will add the guides you make here to the ones already on the image.
If you use a certain layout often, then don’t forget to save your guides as a preset.
hai in photoshop cs6 it is not showing in the VIEW>NEW GUIDE LAYOUT
I want to know how can i see the NEW GUIDE LAYOUT. Does my version have this feature??? please do reply thanks in advance.
Hi Manideep,
New Guide Layout is a Photoshop CC 2014 feature I’m afraid.
I’m using Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 and I cannot see the “New Guide Layout” option in my view menu. Is there anyway I can add it to the menu?
Not sure why it isn’t there, its not something you can add later. Strange
I’m using Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 and I cannot see the “New Guide Layout” option in my view menu. Is there anyway I can add it to the menu?