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Vintage Effect using Adobe Camera RAW (or Lightroom)

TS_VINTAGE_RAWVintage effects are still hugely popular with photographers and there are no shortage of ways which the effects can be achieved. You don’t even need a program like Photoshop to create the look as many mobile apps will do it at the touch of your screen.

However, creating a vintage effect in Photoshop has lots of advantages. A bigger screen and more control over the effects are just two of many good reasons.

As a RAW shooter creating the vintage look in Adobe Camera RAW (or Lightroom) has also been possible but with less controls at your fingertips, it’s been a bit harder to do. All that changed with ACR 7.X found in Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4 because now we have the ability to control the curves for the Red, Green and Blue channels and that makes a huge difference when it comes to creating the vintage look.

About Gavin Hoey (45 Articles)
Gavin has been a regular contributor to Digital Photo Magazine in the UK since 2003 where he writes “how to...” techniques on photography and Photoshop Elements. His Photoshop lectures are always in demand and he can often be seen popping up at camera clubs all over the UK.

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