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Janine Smith

Holiday Card, Part 3


For her regular Wednesday post, TipSquirrel welcomes back Janine Smith  @landailyn   In this, part three of our holiday card project, we’re going to do some decorating! This can be done on [More]

Holiday Card, Part 2


We start the second part of our Holiday card tutorial by getting a bit analytical. In order to make some fairly realistic shadows within your photo, you need to first analyze it. The nexus of this [More]

Holiday Card: Part 1


Today begins a (hopefully!) fun, four-part tutorial on making a family photo into a holiday card. For the past few years I’ve used old family photos to create holiday cards for both my family [More]

Rebuilding RGB


Sample image file included at the end of this post, if you wish to follow along! Today, we’re going to “rebuild” RGB channels. This technique comes in handy if a couple of your original RGB [More]

Restoring A Partial Fade


Last week we went over noise reduction, sans plug-in. This week, using the same photo provided, with thanks, by Kelly (Herstoryan), we’ll bring back an extremely faded element. In the example [More]

Take Out Da Noise


Sometimes a little texture and a little film grain, or “noise” in an old photo is not a bad thing! Seriously, if you start taking everything out of old photos they end up looking worse than when [More]

Halloweenie Brushes!


Happy Halloween, Tipsters! This week, in honor of the upcoming howl-iday, I’m not doing restoration, but I’m still doing vintage! I’m sharing a few (29)  Photoshop brushes [More]

Color (Wheel) Correction (Pt. 2/2)


You’ve done your color correction, via whatever method you prefer or the one that worked best for the photo at hand, but it still doesn’t look quite right. Here’s a way to [More]

Combo Color Correction (Pt. 1/2)


Today I bring you the first part of a two-part tutorial. The first will go over a combination method of color cast correction, and the second half will deal with correcting tints. This photo, [More]

Smoothing Texture (Redux)


This weeks post is a re-post of a tutorial I had on my blog, Janinealogy, way back in…well, way back. I beg everyones forgiveness for this bit of laziness on my part, but with my home network [More]

Texture Matching


Something I’ve noticed about digital photo restoration tutorials: we do seem to love our “good old dependables”! We embrace our Clone Stamp and Patch Tools, revere our healing brushes and [More]

Neener’s Nifty Mold Removal


Fact: Mold can be hazardous to your health. It doesn’t do a whole lot for your photos, either. I’ve been working many months on a really good, useable method of digital mold removal. [More]

Neener's Nifty Mold Removal


Fact: Mold can be hazardous to your health. It doesn’t do a whole lot for your photos, either. I’ve been working many months on a really good, useable method of digital mold removal. [More]

Fading Back


As a digital photo restoration artist I don’t always get to work on the two things I love most: old photos and really badly damaged old photos. Sometimes I have to do “ordinary” [More]

Restoring Wood Grain


When restoring old photos, you’ll likely run into more than a few wood floors. In early portraits, mostly the 1860 -1870 variety, the studios themselves often had wood plank flooring. [More]
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