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Janine Smith

Are You Quality?


“We are what we repeatedly do” ~Aristotle Caveat Emptor No doubt about it, this is the age of quantity! We want it all, preferably for less, and we want it now! How many of us pass up the [More]

Straightening With Lens Correction


I’ve gotten quite a lot of questions, lately, about straightening photos. When it comes to old photos, especially those taken outside, without benefit of a tripod, you’re going to, [More]

Age Spots


There are tons of digital photo restoration tutorials online these days, on fixing torn pieces on old photos, and matching colors when adding things to the photo. One recent tutorial put torn pieces [More]

Painting With Photo Filters


Do you have some of those 70’s era color photo’s that just look tired? Here’s an easy way to paint a little life back into them using photo filters! For the purposes of this [More]

Striking Silver


Up until the 1960’s, when resin coating became the norm and gave photo paper a smooth, shiny look and feel, photos were commonly developed using the silver gelatin dry plate process, caused by [More]

A Duo Of Duotones


A subtle overlay of color can really perk up a flat black & white image. A two color overlay, composed of (usually) black and another color, called Duotone, and three color, black and two other [More]

'Painting' A Better Black & White


Last week we looked at one way of improving a grayscale image by bring back, and tweaking, color channels. This week, we’ll enliven a flat black and white image by “painting” in tones. This [More]

Upscaling Grayscale


Although it’s eminently preferable to scan all your old photos in color, sometimes we don’t have the luxury of that choice. Sometimes we only have access to grayscale scans of photos, for [More]

No Flipping Photoshop


Without a doubt, the hardest damage to restore in a photo is damage to people, especially faces. It’s also, without a doubt this area that is also the most important. No matter how devastating [More]

Photo to Photo-Portrait in Photoshop


Wednesday wouldn’t be the same without Janine Smith (@landailyn)  On Monday I had a tutorial up on Firgs awesome place, Design By Firgs, a photo-to-drawing project the was inspired by Bert [More]

The Picture on the Wall (pt 2)


In the second tutorial on problems that can be found when taking a picture of a picture hanging on a wall we’ll cover glass glare. Glass glare can come in many forms, such as the glare made by [More]

The Picture on the Wall (pt. 1)


(Authors Note: My New Years resolution is to try and keep my tutorials a bit shorter. I’ve started off quite well,if I say so myself, but I feel I must warn you: My New Year resolutions usually [More]

Texas Snowman


I’m diverting from the restoration tutorials because, well, it’s Winter and I want to build a snowman! The only problem with that is that I live in North Central Texas and if we ever do [More]

Repairing Ink Blots


Bad things happen. Bad things even happen to our photos. Bad things like…ink. So when the bad thing happens, how do you go about fixing it? The first thing to remember is to not try to wipe it [More]

Holiday Card, Part 4


This week we’re finishing up our holiday card we’re making with an old family photo by adding a bit of sparkle and a frame. To begin, you’ll need to go back to the brush preset we [More]
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