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Simple Grunge Text in Photoshop


This month I thought I’d show you how to make a simple grunge effect for text using a very simple technique utilising a very powerful feature found in the Layer Styles dialogue box. Step 1. [More]

Text Chiselled in Stone with Photoshop


This week’s tip is a two-for-one, bringing you some classic techniques. We’ll create a nice stone texture, then carve some text in it using layer styles, as well as a few additional tricks. [More]

Swiss Cheese Text in Photoshop


I love typography – its fun and easy. Today I wanted to show you how to make a simple “Swiss cheese effect”. Step 1. Start by making a 1024×768 pixel document and colour it #3f2004, Next [More]

Editing shapes in Photoshop


In this week’s tip, we’ll look at some fast and easy ways to start with existing shapes (vector paths) in Photoshop, apply some quick modifications, and make the shapes into your own unique [More]

Instant Valentines Day Card with Photoshop


Valentines day is fast approaching, so here at TipSquirrel we've got the perfect tutorial for you. Depending on your point of view, this technique will either help you make a very personal and romantic valentines card, that truly expresses your deep and undying love... or... it can save you a load of time and small fortune on shop bought cards. Either way watch the video to discover exactly how it's all done. [More]

Join Photos to Make Text in Photoshop CS5


Here’s a great little technique that makes use of one of the best new features that Adobe added in Photoshop. It’s called mini bridge and as the name suggests it’s the little brother of the [More]

Stripy Text with Photoshop Layer Styles


More text antics with Photoshop. We shall try and create this… Step 1. Start by creating a new Photoshop Document, I used 1024×768 at 72 ppi, but as always its really up to you. I then set [More]

Working with type on a path


Back in the days before Photoshop CS, type on a path was the domain of Adobe Illustrator. With CS, and every version since, Adobe added type on a path to the arsenal of tools available to Photoshop [More]

Photoshop in the 3rd Dimension


For artists and designers who have been working with Photoshop, Illustrator and other traditional 2-dimensional graphics programs, the thought of moving into 3D can be intimidating. And, in earlier [More]

XOR Text Effect with Photoshop


XOR is a technical term that comes to us from computer science, but in Photoshop we see it all the time. It is the computer graphics effect that causes our cursor to always be a different color from [More]
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