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Pro Workflow Techniques Start To Finish


In this video tutorial Rich takes us through the processing of an HDR image from start to finish. To get his desired effect, Rich utilises Blending Modes, Blur and the new to CS6, LUTs. Once the [More]

GuideGuide 2 Overview for Photoshop CS6


In this video Howard Pinsky explores the use of GuideGuide 2. If you use guides more than occasionally this extension should be a part of your Photoshop! It works with CS4, CS5 and CS6. [More]

Video Viewfinder POV in Photoshop


I was recently asked by a student if it was easy to make a video look like it was being viewed through a viewfinder. Using Premier-Pro’s titling we got the job done but I wondered if it would be [More]

Photoshop CS6 The Missing Manual – A Review


Photoshop has a pretty extensive help file, and I don’t need to tell you dear TipSquirrel.com reader that there are some brilliant tutorial websites out there, but nothing quite takes the place of a well laid out, indexed manual that can sit quietly on the desk until that day when you just need to know something in a hurry. O’Reilly publish a whole range of Missing Manual books and for Photoshop CS6 they have once again turned to Lesa Snider. Lesa has penned two previous incarnations of the Photoshop Missing manual, authoring the CS5 and CS4 books as well as the iPhoto ‘11 Missing Manual. [More]

Photoshop CS6 Vector Fun


With the new Photoshop CS6, we finally have vectors that have fill and stroke properties, and this gives us much more power and flexibility with our designs. In this video you’ll see the basics of creating a new vector object, modifying the fill and stroke properties, adding pixel-based effects to your vector object, and blending the object with your background. [More]

3D Text Video Animations in Photoshop CS6


This will be a two part tip, and in today's video we will focus just on creating the reflective text, using image-based lighting. Stay tuned for next week's follow up, in which we'll learn how to animate the text and add even more lighting effects, all with the new power of video editing in Photoshop CS6. [More]

Basic Video Transitions with Photoshop CS6


Up to now you’d have to pay a little extra and get Photoshop Extended to be able to edit video. Not any more! CS6 comes with an improved video toolkit and UI that makes editing fun and reasonably easy. Here Eric Renno (TipSquirrel) takes us by the hand and and leads us into the brave new world of video. [More]

Photoshop CS6–The Small Stuff


Photoshop CS6 brings us a whole raft of new and exciting tools to play with and it’s also stuffed full of major improvements. We even get some new filters to play with too. But once you’ve been using the Photoshop CS6 for a while you’ll start to notice lots of small changes. In fact Adobe have made dozens and dozens of little tweaks and enhancements that will probably never make the headlines but may well be incredibly useful. [More]

Creating Dashed and Dotted Lines in Photoshop


The more I play around with Photoshop CS6, the more I like all the great new capabilities that have been added to this amazing program. Did you know, that in Photoshop CS6, shape layers are a thing of the past, replaced in their entirety by vector layers? This is a tremendously powerful feature, which we will explore in detail over many tutorials in the future. For today, we’ll focus on a small new feature, but one which solves a big problem that has existed forever in Photoshop – how to create a dashed or dotted line. [More]

Type Tips for Photoshop CS6


Photoshop CS6 comes with a few type tricks up its sleeve, and if you find yourself working with type a lot in Photoshop, especially if you are mocking up print layouts or web pages, you're going to get a lot of mileage with these new features. Let's take a look. [More]

Photoshop’s Enhanced Filters in CS6 Beta


With Photoshop CS6, Adobe really integrated GPU acceleration into many of the filters, adding some great new ones along the way. The GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, is a powerhouse that lives on our graphics cards and allows Photoshop to perform amazing feats of pixel manipulation. [More]

Color Lookup Adjustments with Photoshop CS6 Beta


In Photoshop CS6 Beta, Adobe has given us an entirely new type of adjustment, complete with its own new adjustment layer category. Watch this video to learn about Color Lookup adjustments and how they can transform your image colors quickly, easily, and non-destructively. [More]

Photoshop CS6 – Content Aware Move Tool


Photoshop CS6 Beta is out and it’s packed full of new features and improvements to some of the existing tools. In this video I’m going to take a look at something that’s both a brand new tool for Photoshop CS6 Beta and also an enhancement of existing technology. [More]
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