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3D in Photoshop CS6–Creating 3D Objects


Mike Hoffman continues his series of tutorials on 3D within Photoshop. Any 3D scene in Photoshop starts with some basic elements. In this video, learn the essential ways to create 3D primitive objects within Photoshop CS6. [More]

3D in Photoshop CS6 – 3D Basics


Photoshop CS6 makes creating and using 3D objects easier than ever. In order to become proficient with 3D, you have to master the basics. In this first video of an ongoing series, we'll explore the fundamentals of 3D and the Photoshop 3D workspace. [More]

A Kinder, Gentler HDR in Photoshop CS6


HDR doesn't have to be gritty, edgy, with radioactive colors. At its heart, HDR is a technique that can allow you to more accurately capture the images you see - as long as you aren't too heavy-handed with the controls. [More]

Creating a Chiseled Text Effect in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


We'll be using Photoshop layer styles to achieve the effect as well as the somewhat obscure Type Mask tool. If you're not familiar with this tool, it's a little like a cross between the Type tool and Quick Mask; we can type our text as usual but when it's committed, instead of creating a layer with the text it creates a selection; this is perfect for the technique as we do not need to work on the text directly. You can follow the original tutorial using the link above but change the dimensions to 1000x200 pixels to create the correct document size. If you don't want to start the image from scratch, it can be downloaded here. [More]

Conditional Actions in Photoshop


The latest update to Photoshop (only available to Creative Cloud users, don’t blame me talk to Adobe, but I probably agree with you) included something called Conditional Actions. Conditional Actions are a way of adding a clause to an action that will cause another action to run if the clause is applicable or another to run if it isn’t. Clear? No, probably not, so I’ll create a real world example to explain more clearly (hopefully). [More]

Photoshop CS6 Adjustment Brush Tricks


The Camera Raw Adjustment Brush controls get better with each version, and with Photoshop CS6 you have more control and flexibility than ever before. Don't be afraid to experiment with different settings, and to combine multiple adjustments in a single brush. [More]

The 3D Ground Plane in Photoshop CS6 Extended


When the 3D Ground Plane first made its appearance in Photoshop CS5 Extended, it was slightly useful, a little bit tricky, and very much hidden from view. With CS6, Adobe brings us a more useful design element - one that catches shadows, and casts reflections - and all in real time while you edit. This makes it an interactive tool that is both easy to use and effective in bringing added realism to your composites. [More]

Adjustable Patterns in Photoshop


Filling an area with patterns in Photoshop is a one-way street, and you're at the mercy of the pattern designer as to the scale of the results you'll get. Ordinary pattern fills are not scalable, in fact, there is no control or setting at all for a pattern fill. Use the Pattern Overlay layer style for a more customizable pattern fill. [More]

Photoshop 3D Wireframes as Design Elements


Photoshop’s 3D capabilities in the Extended version have been getting better with each version, but sometimes it is the basics that can contribute to an interesting design element, and [More]

Video Masking in Photoshop


Learn how to create a clipping mask for your video within Photoshop CS6 – and see how to animate the clipping mask as well. Create unique effects for your video projects, right within Photoshop. [More]

Making Corners Lift From The Page in Photoshop


In this Photoshop tutorial video I answer a reader question. How, they asked, can you easily make it look like the corners of the photograph are lifting from the background? I demonstrate two ways here, with some tips along the way including finding the centre of an image and separating Layer Styles from a layer (yep, you really can!) [More]

Using and Checking Perspective Crop in Photoshop


In this Photoshop tutorial I take a look at the ‘New’ Perspective Crop Tool. Ok, it’s not new as such but it does have a new home. Getting the crop right is tricky so I’ve included a couple of things I do to check I’ve got it right. [More]

Adobe Nav for iPad


As wonderful as Adobe Photoshop is, I doubt there is a person that would call it simple.. There are many ways to do just about anything, from choosing which tool to use, find that skin smoothing [More]

The Photoshop CS6 Oil Paint Filter


Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and have a little fun with Photoshop. Try new filters, new blend modes… experiment a bit!  CS6 offers plenty of opportunity for this with new [More]

Using Photoshop to Make Concentric Circles


OK, I’m no graphic designer or digital artist, but I needed a ‘cartoon style closing credit’ for a piece I was working on with a student. Creating the circles was easy, and I kept them [More]
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