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Publish from Lightroom to Dropbox


Cloud storage service Dropbox is a very handy and useful tool, allowing you to share files between your machines. For photographers, it provides and easy way to get your images on all your devices quickly and easily. If you’re using Lightroom, then the Publish Services that were introduced with LR3 give you direct integration from Lightroom all the way through the cloud – a very nice capability. In today’s video tip, you’ll learn how to set up a Publish Service to manage your Lightroom portfolios right within Dropbox. [More]

Photoshop CS6–The Small Stuff


Photoshop CS6 brings us a whole raft of new and exciting tools to play with and it’s also stuffed full of major improvements. We even get some new filters to play with too. But once you’ve been using the Photoshop CS6 for a while you’ll start to notice lots of small changes. In fact Adobe have made dozens and dozens of little tweaks and enhancements that will probably never make the headlines but may well be incredibly useful. [More]

Silver Efex Pro Control Points – An Apology


In one of my previous tutorials on Silver Efex Pro I may have given the impression that I wasn’t too impressed with control points, I think I may even have used the phrase “I don’t think the control points work very well in SilverEfex and never use them!” Oh dear, what a muppet. I was, of course, wrong and its not very often you’ll hear me say that according to my wife and I apologise for misleading you. That isn’t to say that they are a panacea but they are pretty damn good. [More]

Photoshop CS6 – Content Aware Move Tool


Photoshop CS6 Beta is out and it’s packed full of new features and improvements to some of the existing tools. In this video I’m going to take a look at something that’s both a brand new tool for Photoshop CS6 Beta and also an enhancement of existing technology. [More]

We’re Having A TipUp


OK, so I made the phrase up by why just have a Tweet Up? What about our Facebook friends and those that read Tipsquirrel.com on RSS? Besides which, I like to think we’ll swap tips so the name has a kind of ring to it….. doesn’t it? [More]

Our New Podcast: The Next Step


Those that follow TipSquirrel on Facebook or Twitter might know that for the last little while I’ve been saying how excited I am about a new TipSquirrel.com project. This week we take a huge step so I thought I’d let you in on what its all about, who the first guest will be and who’ll be the host; [More]

Solarisation in Photoshop or Lightroom


With all the whizz bang thrills that software such as Photoshop has given us, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s Photoshop that’s driven photographers to be creative. But that’s not [More]

Shooting Tethered in Lightroom


One of the fantastic things about Lightroom is the way it can streamline a photographer’s workflow. Lightroom allows the creating of presets and applying them over a complete shoot, even [More]

Easy Rectangle Photo Effect with Photoshop


  This month I thought I’d show you a nice easy way to create a cool photo effect using the Rectangle Marquee Tool and the Stroke Layer Style. Step 1 For this project you will need a Photo [More]

Tis The Season – Holiday Photo Clinic


Join Rich as he tackles 12 holiday images. This in-depth class will show you how to fix both standard and advanced problems that often plague holiday photos. With almost an hour of tuition Rich shares some great techniques that will be handy all year! [More]

Let It Snow With Photoshop


‘Tis the time for snow and Christmas cheer, as such I thought I’d show you how to fake snow. Step 1. Download a good snowy picture – we used this one here Add a Levels Adjustment Dialogue [More]

Advanced Black and White in Photoshop


This month’s tutorial is going to be an in-depth look at a black & white photograph that was used in one of my tutorials on black & white conversion earlier this year. I recently showed [More]
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