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The Photography Show 2015 – See You There!


With the Photography Show 2015 just one week away I'm proud to say I'll be there! I'm delighted to be working in the Adobe Theatre for the four days bot speaking about Hidden Gems and Creative Cloud Mobile Apps, Tools for Photographers. I'm definitely the 'new boy' of the group as I'll be joining Richard Curtis, Dave Mallows, Richard West and our old friend Gavin Hoey all of whom are seasoned conference speakers. So, if you fancy popping along and giving me some support it'd be very welcome! [More]

Wide Eyed Cat – Have Fun in Photoshop


A few years ago there were a number of birthday cards with large eyed cats and dogs on them, I thought I would spend a few minutes showing you how you can make your own spin on this idea. [More]

Step Into Your Image with Photoshop and After Effects


In this video I take a flat, 2D image and transform it into a 3D image that a camera can pass into. If you’ve not worked with Vanishing Point before then you may wish to take a quick look at Multiple Planes with Photoshop (No 3D Layers). There’s two techniques here, one uses only Photoshop while the second uses Photoshop and After Effects. [More]

Dynamic Slideshows with Photoshop CS6


One of the best new features of Photoshop CS6 is the amazing way Adobe have incorporated video editing abilities into Photoshop. Now if like me you’d call yourself a photographer rather than a videographer , then you might be tempted to skip this post but trust me, this is a 100% photo friendly tutorial. [More]

Your Phone Camera Photos Suck (Blur Removal Software Review)


No matter how good the settings on your phones camera are, they probably aren’t going to help out of focus or blurry images. You might try to take multiple shots of whatever you’re photographing, and hope at least one comes out halfway decent – that’s usually my main M.O., but if you are stuck with blurry or out of focus images, what can you do? [More]

Using Photoshop Shapes to Make Apple Maps Type Pins


In this video I’ll use Photoshop shape capabilities to make Apple Maps typpe of pin to add to my image. I’ll use stroke, gradient, stroke positioning and many other settings as well as some handy tips on manipulating paths. As always I’d love to see your images using this technique! [More]

Three Ways to Go Mono in RAW


Do you prefer Black and white or Monochromatic? Whatever you choose to call it, taking away the colour from your photo will completely change it and often for the better. You might be thinking that black and white is just that, black and white? So how can there be more than one way to do it and why would you want to even bother? Well just because mono images only contain shades of grey, that doesn't stop us taking control them and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you in this video. [More]

Using and Checking Perspective Crop in Photoshop


In this Photoshop tutorial I take a look at the ‘New’ Perspective Crop Tool. Ok, it’s not new as such but it does have a new home. Getting the crop right is tricky so I’ve included a couple of things I do to check I’ve got it right. [More]

Creating Fake Highlights with Photoshop


Now of course there's nothing better than getting things right 'in camera' but when it comes to the lighting, what are you supposed to do after the fact when you maybe want to add some highlights or even tweak those that are already there? Well here's a technique for doing just that…for adding in or tweaking highlights, and it's one I tend to use on a fairly regular basis when putting together composites; however it's also a technique that can be used in any image and what's more it's quick and easy to apply. [More]
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