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Layer Styles

Adjustable Patterns in Photoshop


Filling an area with patterns in Photoshop is a one-way street, and you're at the mercy of the pattern designer as to the scale of the results you'll get. Ordinary pattern fills are not scalable, in fact, there is no control or setting at all for a pattern fill. Use the Pattern Overlay layer style for a more customizable pattern fill. [More]

Text Chiselled in Stone with Photoshop


This week’s tip is a two-for-one, bringing you some classic techniques. We’ll create a nice stone texture, then carve some text in it using layer styles, as well as a few additional tricks. [More]

Doing more with Photoshop Layer Styles


I like working with the Layer Effects in Photoshop but what really stated me using them more was when I learnt how to seperate the effects. In this ‘tiptorial’ I’m going to use put Layer Effects onto Layer Effects. [More]

Quick Filmstrip Template in Photoshop


If you’ve already upgraded to Photoshop CS5 then you have probably already tried some of the amazing headline grabbing new features. Things like Puppet Warp, Content Aware Fill and HDR Pro are [More]

Engraving Text with Photoshop


I found out today (well about ½ hour ago) that it was my turn to write – eeep! I thought, “I’ve not prepared anything” So here I show you a very easy (and quick!) way of creating engraved [More]

Comic Book Text Style in Photoshop


I’m a huge fan of comics – not that I’ve been able to buy any in the last 5 years or so 🙁 but I do love rereading my old ones. This had me thinking about the old style Pow’s [More]

Stripy Text with Photoshop Layer Styles


More text antics with Photoshop. We shall try and create this… Step 1. Start by creating a new Photoshop Document, I used 1024×768 at 72 ppi, but as always its really up to you. I then set [More]

Light Writing with Photoshop


DSLR cameras are fantastic, you can do some great things with them – one of my favourite effects are slow shutter speed photos with cool light trails. These have recently been used in the TalkTalk [More]
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