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Comic Book Text Style in Photoshop

I’m a huge fan of comics – not that I’ve been able to buy any in the last 5 years or so 🙁 but I do love rereading my old ones. This had me thinking about the old style Pow’s and Thwaks they used to put in fight scenes. I liked them, so I thought I’d show you a way of making them in Photoshop.


Step 1.


Go and download and install the font Badaboom, this is a fantastic comic font that I love. Also we want to download a cloud brush from Here. Next make a 1024×768 sized document inside Photoshop. Next using the Gradient Tool make a 50% grey to black gradient.

Step 2.


First set your foreground colour to white by pressing D followed by X on your keyboard, Select the Text Tool from the Toolbar and using the Badaboom font type KABOOM! I set my font size to 72 but you can choose what ever size you want.

Step 3.


Click to Enlarge

We now want to add a Layer style, go to Layer>Layer Style>Drop Shadow. Leave the settings as default, next add a Inner shadow style, set the colour to #f70a0a and the blending mode to normal. Increase the distance to 5, choke to 8 and size to 24. Finally add a Bevel and Emboss Style leaving the default settings.

Step 4.


We now add a new Layer under the text layer and using Control and E merge the text layer and new layer together (First select the Text layer then merge). Select the now flattened text layer and go to Edit>Transform>Perspective. Grab the top right hand anchor and pull it up so the right hand side is larger than the left.

Step 5.


Now duplicate the Text Layer using Control & J, This layer is going to be a sort of shadow. First we hide our original text layer by pressing the eye icon in the layer window. Next we want to make it black, the easiest way of doing this is to add a Colour overlay Layer style (Layer>Layer style>Colour Overlay) set to black. Then we unhide the original text layer.


Step 6.

Finally we use the cloud brush we downloaded in step one, on a new layer brush in some clouds around the word. Make it thicker towards to beginning of the word and less at the end 🙂

Hope you liked the tutorial and please feel free to visit my website 🙂


About Simon Rudd (51 Articles)
Simon Rudd is a freelance writer and artist specialising in Photoshop tutorials as well as Horror, the Macabre and Fantasy themed pictures. He frequently writes for magazines and websites.

2 Comments on Comic Book Text Style in Photoshop

  1. Donald Schmidt // 03/12/2011 at 1:09 am //

    what Version of PhotoShop did you use. The CloudBrush is not There.

  2. did you download it from my site?? the link is in the 1st step 😀

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