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Camera Raw

Lightroom 4 Adjustment Brush Tricks


Lightroom 4 brings all the same capabilities you'll find in Camera Raw for the Adjustment Brush, as well as the Graduated Filter. Add multiple effects, control your image non-destructively. Plus, Lightroom adds some nifty controls all its own to make your editing more efficient. [More]

Photoshop CS6 Adjustment Brush Tricks


The Camera Raw Adjustment Brush controls get better with each version, and with Photoshop CS6 you have more control and flexibility than ever before. Don't be afraid to experiment with different settings, and to combine multiple adjustments in a single brush. [More]

Drag and Drop from Lightroom


I was asked recently whether you could drag and drop files from Lightroom onto a memory stick and this raised a few points that I thought were worthy of mentioning here.   To understand the [More]

Targeted Adjustment Tool in Adobe Camera Raw


In this video I take a look at a feature of Adobe Camera Raw that is often over looked, Targeted Adjustment Tool. I switch between using this and heading straight over to the right hand side, but find using the tool is just that bit quicker and ‘less fiddly’. [More]

Fixing Chromatic Aberration in ACR 7.1


Shortly after Photoshop CS6 was released, Adobe provided a very useful update to users of the Camera Raw plugin: brand new tools for removing CA or chromatic aberration! CA is the fancy term given to the fuzzy "color fringes" that we often see, in shots taken under bright light. Just zoom in between 100-300%, and as you pan around the subject, check the high contrast edges. Subjects shot against a bright skies or lights are particularly vulnerable to displaying CA. Fortunately there's a very easy solution in Camera Raw 7.1 that requires only a few clicks. Let's take a look. [More]

Fixing White Balance in ACR


I confess, I’ve never changed the white balance settings on my camera, in fact, after I recorded this video I thought I’d look and see where to change them and it took me a lot longer than it [More]

Start to Finish Workflow with Gavin Hoey


There’s photographic potential all around us, that’s one of the amazing things about photography. Usually there’s a direct connection between the distance travelled and the amount of inspiring [More]

Dramatic Skies with Camera Raw’s Graduated Filter


On a recent Saturday morning, I was privileged to join some fellow NAPP members for a friendly “Canon vs. Nikon” shootout, at Fort Desoto Park in Saint Petersburg, Florida. The original intent was to compare the new 5DMIII against the new D800. Out on the beach, things got a little crazy, and a few of us took the term “shootout” literally! I was on hand to capture some of the hilarity. [More]

Solarisation in Photoshop or Lightroom


With all the whizz bang thrills that software such as Photoshop has given us, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s Photoshop that’s driven photographers to be creative. But that’s not [More]

Camera Raw Workflow Tips


In today’s video tip, you won’t learn how to create or apply cool develop settings to make your images look amazing. What you will learn is how to set or change your Camera Raw workflow, how to understand when and why unusual things are happening in Camera Raw, and ways to gain speed and efficiency with your Camera Raw workflow [More]

Shadow and Highlights with Adobe Camera Raw


In this follow-up to last week’s video, Rich Harrington teaches us how to fix clipped shadows, overblown highlights, and soft detail when working with photos shot under low lift conditions. [More]

Accessing ACR from Photoshop


Sometimes I come across something that changes the way I use Photoshop and today I share one such thing. I’m a fan of Adobe Camera Raw and it’s where I like to start my editing but what if you’re working with a PSD file? No worries, there’s a way to access Adobe Camera Raw right from inside Photoshop. [More]

A Quick Look at Vignettes in Adobe Camera Raw


In this video I take a look at the old and new vignette settings in Adobe Camera Raw. Previously designed to remove unwanted vignettes from images they have become part of the artistic toolbox of the photographer. [More]

Mono Magic with Adobe Camera RAW


There’s something magical about a really eye catching black and white image. A full range of tones running from deep black to bright white always adds a touch of drama and impact to the mono image. [More]
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