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Camera Raw

Photoshop ‘Triage’


In this exclusive TipSquirrel.com video, trainer and author Richard Harrington uses a real world example to demonstrate a Photoshop ‘Triage’. By going through this workflow he takes an [More]

Photoshop or Lightroom, Which to Choose?


If you’re a photographer looking at upgrading your existing image editing software then you’ve never had so much choice, but which do you choose? The chances are you already have a favourite [More]

Smart Objects, Smarter Filters


Smart Objects have given us a tremendous amount of power in Photoshop since version CS3, and it just keeps getting better. Today, we’re going to look at a non-destructive workflow that begins with [More]

Smart Objects, Raw Flexibility


Last week, we saw that Smart Object Layers are a special kind of layer within Photoshop, that actually encapsulate data so that you have a “document within a document,” and allow you access to [More]

Photoshop CS5 – Camera Raw 6.0


In this video Justin shows us some of the new features of Camera Raw 6.0, exploring the new Noise Reduction section. More from Justin on Twitter, and  Facebook Justin’s CS5 Training [More]

3 Ways to sharpen your RAW images.


TipSquirrel is delighted to welcome guest poster Gavin Hoey.     If you’re serious about your photography then the chances are you shoot your images in RAW most, if not all, of the time. With RAW [More]
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