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Photoshop ‘Triage’

In this exclusive TipSquirrel.com video, trainer and author Richard Harrington uses a real world example to demonstrate a Photoshop ‘Triage’. By going through this workflow he takes an image and makes it ‘pop’.

PeachPit (Pearson Education)

About Richard Harrington (43 Articles)
A certified instructor for Adobe and Apple, Rich is a practiced expert in motion graphic design and digital video. Rich is a member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals Instructor Dream Team, and a popular speaker on the digital video circuit. Rich is an internationally published author. His book, Photoshop for Video, was the first of its kind to focus on Photoshop’s application in the world of video. He is also a contributing author for Apple’s Aperture, iLife ’09 and iWork ’09, Video Made on a Mac, and Producing Video Podcasts. If you want even more Photoshop training, check out his book Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4. If you have an iPod touch or iPhone, you can get <a href="http://tinyurl.com/upapps">Rich’s Training in your Pocket</a>

3 Comments on Photoshop ‘Triage’

  1. I loved this! Thanks for the tips.

  2. You’re welcome… I figured a look over the shoulder might help put different commands in context.

  3. Richard does an EXCELLENT job, I’m going to look for more of your tutorials to share.

    The only additional tip I would give, is:

    If you have .jpg or .tif files you can also open them as Camera Raw by choosing File > Open and changing the FORMAT (at the bottom of the dialog) to Camera RAW (from tif or jpg). Now you will have access to all the dialogs shown in the movie above.

    Richard’s original image was shot as a Camera Raw already, so you don’t need this extra step to get to the Camera Raw dialog, it is the default. Many of my students don’t realize they can use the POWERFUL tools Richard showed on their “consumer class” images. These tricks really make a world of difference and you NEVER have to watch a progress bar.

    Again, WONDERFUL job Richard!
    Kelly McCathran

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