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Fixing Chromatic Aberration in ACR 7.1

Shortly after Photoshop CS6 was released, Adobe provided a very useful update to users of the Camera Raw plugin: brand new tools for removing CA or chromatic aberration! CA is the fancy term given to the fuzzy “color fringes” that we most often see in shots taken under bright light. It can appear anywhere there is a very strong light-dark contrast, whether darker subject on bright background or brighter subject on dark background.

CA most often takes the form of greenish or purple-magenta fringes, but it can display as other colors, like a reddish-orange. Along some edges you may see multiple colors, as you’ll see in this example! Just zoom in between 100-300%, and as you pan around the subject, check the high contrast edges for colors that don’t match up with reality. Fortunately, there’s a very easy solution that requires only a few clicks to get a good result!


The video above is one example of many techniques you can learn about in my new video training course for Adobe Camera Raw.

About Dan Moughamian (37 Articles)
Dan Moughamian is an experienced photographer and educator, and has worked with Adobe Photoshop since the early 1990s. He also has extensive experience with Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, plugins from Nik software, and many other digital imaging products. As an educator, Dan's focus is to help photographers at all levels get the most from their digital workflows.

1 Comment on Fixing Chromatic Aberration in ACR 7.1

  1. Daniel thomassin // 26/05/2013 at 7:39 pm //

    Bonjour ;Merci beaucoup pour votre post ,bonne soirée à vous et vos collaborateur.


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