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Photoshop CS5 Best New Features In-Depth


Photoshop CS5 is packed with new features and here regular Nut Rich Harrington demonstrates the very best. Taking us through Mini Bridge, Puppet Warp, and a whole host of other great new features [More]

Join Photos to Make Text in Photoshop CS5


Here’s a great little technique that makes use of one of the best new features that Adobe added in Photoshop. It’s called mini bridge and as the name suggests it’s the little brother of the [More]

Photoshop ‘Triage’


In this exclusive TipSquirrel.com video, trainer and author Richard Harrington uses a real world example to demonstrate a Photoshop ‘Triage’. By going through this workflow he takes an [More]

Great Places to Learn Photoshop


This week I’m using my space to go back to my roots. TipSquirrel.com started because I was always on the lookout for great places to learn more Photoshop tips and techniques. In this Nut [More]

Photoshop CS5 New Feature Tutorials


Well, finally it’s here! CS5 trial is available to download. So if you’re going to grab yours then you may be interested in our CS5 new feature tutorials. Bridge Improvements Mike [More]

Single Image HDR Toning in Photoshop CS5


OK, I promised we’d be back to our normal pre CS5 stuff today, but Mike’s just too excited about the new HDR Toning in CS5 to let it pass un noticed TS It’s top tip Tuesday, and here is [More]

Photoshop CS5 – The Verdict


 TipSquirrel Its been a great two week look at CS5 and I’d like to thank the five contributors for their insight. I’ve only been using the Beta version for a week so I’m still [More]

Photoshop CS5 Content Aware Healing Brush


In some ways, this week’s article is a continuation of last week’s look at Content Aware Fill, because the Content Aware Healing Brush is sort of the same thing…um…right? Right. And wrong. In [More]

Photoshop CS5 – Camera Raw 6.0


In this video Justin shows us some of the new features of Camera Raw 6.0, exploring the new Noise Reduction section. More from Justin on Twitter, and  Facebook Justin’s CS5 Training [More]
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