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Photoshop Compositing with 3D (Part 2)


In this two part video tutorial, we look at creating a surreal scene with 3D and traditional 2D elements. In this second part, we add the 3D elements and explore ways of integrating the 2D and 3D parts into a unified whole. [More]

Photoshop Compositing with 3D (Part 1)


In this two part video tutorial, we look at creating a surreal scene with 3D and traditional 2D elements. In this first part, we set the scene by compositing various landscape elements together to provide the backdrop for our 3D model. [More]

Solids of Revolution with Photoshop CS5 Extended


Photoshop CS5 Extended can create solids of revolution, but the technique is a little bit obscure, and requires wrestling with the Repousse interface. Watch this video to see how to create a revolved 3D solid, to render it with reflections, and to integrate it into a 2D background. [More]

Christmas Cookies in Photoshop 3D


The gifts are wrapped, the tree is decorated, and you’re ready for your long winter’s nap. But wait – you’ve forgotten something: the cookies! Never fear, with Photoshop you can whip up some [More]

Photoshop 3D Materials Fun


Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended has a wonderfully capable 3D environment. It isn’t high powered like some advanced 3D modeling software, but the capabilities are really good, and the learning curve is [More]

Creating 3D from Grayscale in Photoshop CS5 Extended


Using a simple 2D layer with a grayscale pattern, it’s possible to create some really interesting and organic looking 3D surfaces using Photoshop Extended CS5. In this video, we examine how the “Create New Mesh from Grayscale” command works, and put it to practical use. [More]

3D Masking and Animation in Photoshop CS5


Using Photoshop CS5 Extended, you can create opacity masks for your 3D objects. A 3D opacity mask works like a regular layer mask, except that it shows or hides the 3D surface itself. Once you’ve created your 3D model, why not add some animation to really set things off? [More]

Reflections in 3D, part 2


Today, we’ll finish up the image we started last week. We’ll start with the basic 3D text and postcard elements we created, add a 3D model of a wine glass, and finish off with some standard [More]

Reflections in 3D


Today we start a multi-part tutorial in creating complex 3D images in Photoshop 3D Extended. The image we’ll create was inspired by a magazine advertisement I spotted while “relaxing” on a recent airline journey. The interweaving reflections caught my eye, and the idea for a tutorial was born. [More]

Using 3D Objects in Photoshop


Photoshop's 3D Engine is very flexible. It allows you to transform layers three dimensionally. More importantly, it lets you create new 3D elements including primitive shapes (such as cones or spheres). You can also make complex elements can be created using grayscale meshes. [More]

Creating the One Ring in 3D


As a Tolkien fan, I’m always interested in the lore and art that accompany the Lord of the Rings literature. So, I thought, why not try to recreate the One Ring in all its fiery presence? [More]

Jack-O-Lantern in 3D (Part 2)


Last week on TipSquirrel, I started a project to create a 3D scene of a Jack-O-Lantern, together with some spooky text. This week, as promised, we will finish this project by adding some light [More]

Jack-O-Lantern in 3D (Part 1)


Almost exactly one year ago, I posted my first tutorial on TipSquirrel – carving a Jack-O-Lantern using layer styles. And, since it is that time of the year once again, I thought it would be a good [More]
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