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Lighting a 3D Model in Photoshop CS5


In the past few weeks on TipSquirrel, I’ve explored some of the new ways to create 3D models with Photoshop CS5, and touched on adding materials to your 3D objects to give them a more photo [More]

Working with 3D Materials in Photoshop CS5


Over the past couple of weeks, my tips have focused on new and interesting ways to create 3D objects with Photoshop CS5. However, the objects we’ve created have all been a bit cartoonish, with [More]

Photoshop 3D – What’s an Extrusion?


As I was experimenting with Photoshop CS5’s new Repousse feature for 3D last week, I had the sudden realization that I hadn’t had this much fun since I was a kid. And that led me to the [More]

Photoshop in the 3rd Dimension


For artists and designers who have been working with Photoshop, Illustrator and other traditional 2-dimensional graphics programs, the thought of moving into 3D can be intimidating. And, in earlier [More]

Photoshop's Easy 3D


It’s a delight to welcome back digital artist Tim Shelbourne. Like many Photoshop users, Tim hasn’t dived into 3D in the past. With the new features of CS5 however, he’s taken a [More]

Photoshop’s Easy 3D


It’s a delight to welcome back digital artist Tim Shelbourne. Like many Photoshop users, Tim hasn’t dived into 3D in the past. With the new features of CS5 however, he’s taken a [More]
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