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Smart Object

Line Drawing in a Photograph using Photoshop Clipping Masks


In this video I answer a reader question that was asked of me through our Facebook Page. ”How”, they wondered, “can you make it look like a drawing’s being held up in front of a photograph?” Its actually very straight forward, and would be easier if you took a couple of photos at the same time. Me, I head over to Fotolia and get some images to help me out! If you recognise the tip on making the line drawing part of this tutorial it may be that you saw it when it was my entry to The Next Photoshop Evangelist competition. [More]

Smarter Sharpening in Photoshop


Sharpening traditionally has three phases: capture sharpening, creative sharpening, and output sharpening. In a photographic workflow, Adobe Camera Raw or Lightroom does a fine job of capture sharpening, but where do you go for the rest? Unsharp Mask is tried and true, but no longer the best tool in the toolbox. In this video we’ll look at Smart Sharpen in tandem with Smart Objects for the ultimate in photographic sharpening control. [More]

Working with Smart Objects and transformations in Photoshop CS6


This month I thought I'd highlight a feature of Smart Objects in Photoshop and, to an extent, Photoshop Elements that often gets overlooked. Aside from the ability to scale and distort layers without loss of quality and change the contents simultaneously across multiple copies, another useful trait is that they remember the previous distortion settings; image warp in particular. This is incredibly useful for designers, as it makes it far easier to experiment with idea or creating photo montages, where objects need to be placed into a scene in perspective [More]

Selective Smart Sharpening in Adobe Photoshop


One of the wonderful (and often confusing) things about Photoshop is that there are many ways to do just about anything. Sharpening is no exception and almost everyone will have their favourite method.. This is my current favourite for its flexibility and the results it achieves. This method is both easy and effective and perfect for saving as an action to be applied to any image at the click of a button. One of the benefits of this method is that the amount of sharpening and even where is sharpened is all adjustable after application. [More]

ACR to Photoshop Edits Aren’t Set in Stone


I was talking to a photographer the other day and I was saying how much I love Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), and that I’ll do 90% of what I want to achieve there before moving into Photoshop. He argued against this stating “Once you’ve clicked Open Image in ACR your adjustments can’t be changed”. By default this is true, but not when you use my beloved modifier keys…. [More]

Blur Gallery and Liquify Smart Objects


I thought today would be a good time to post an update on Photoshop CS6, and the new Photoshop features Creative Cloud members received this week. Chief among them is Smart Object layer support for the Blur Gallery, and the Liquify Filter. This tutorial provides a quick overview of how the features in Blur Gallery and Liquify can be combined for an interesting creative effect. Sure, it's fall colors but I bet some of you are already tired of the barren winter trees [More]

3D Layers with Video in Photoshop


In last week’s tutorial, we looked at Video Masking in Photoshop. Today, we take this project to a whole new dimension – the third dimension – as we learn to apply our video project to the surface of a 3D object. With the video animation playing on the surface of the 3D object, we can create another layer of animation and move it around, adding additional effects for a very flexible and interesting result. [More]

Round-trip ACR Edits with Photoshop CS6


One of the best ways to maintain a non-destructive workflow in Photoshop CS6, is to use the power of Smart Object layers with your Adobe Camera Raw (or ACR) output. For this quick tutorial, [More]

Double Process HDR with Photoshop


In this video, Rich Harrington processes a three shot HDR and then double processes the image for extra “crunch”. This video tutorial follows Rich’s workflow from beginning to end. [More]
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