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Color Away Discoloration with Photoshop


Do you have any photos that have spots and splotches of color on them that was never part of the original photo? Fellow NAPP member Bob Byington had such a photo and asked me if I could help him to [More]

Toning Down Hot Spots


Sometimes even I, your humble (*cough*) restorationist, am called upon for a bit of photo retouching. While it’s indeed wonderful to sometimes work with this new-fangled thing called “color”, [More]

Grunge in 8 Easy Steps


The images above show the ‘out of camera’ and ‘final edit’ versions of a photograph that I took of a ‘Rough Sleeper’ when out on a photo walk in the coastal town [More]

Levels and Curves


I’ve been asked recently about Levels and Curves. Now I could record a TipTorial but regular readers will know, you’d be better off with some professional tutorials. It’s unusual [More]

Painting With Photo Filters


Do you have some of those 70’s era color photo’s that just look tired? Here’s an easy way to paint a little life back into them using photo filters! For the purposes of this [More]

Creating Custom Actions


TipSquirrel is delighted to welcome back one of our favorite trainers, Richard Harrington.   If you’re a Photoshop enthusiast or professional, you should really be using Photoshop actions. [More]
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