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Articles by AJ Wood

About AJ Wood (26 Articles)
Instructor • Photographer • Life Enthusiast. A former Adobe Community Professional, A.J. currently works as an Adobe employee a testament to his dedication to the creative community. Connect with A.J. on <a href="http://ajwood.com/facebook">Facebook</a>, <a href="http://ajwood.com/youtube">YouTube</a>, <a href="https://plus.google.com/+AJWood?rel=author">Google+</a> & <a href="http://ajwood.com/twitter">Twitter</a>

Lightroom ‘Nose Trick’


A Happy Thanksgiving to those of you that are state side in the USA. For this week's article, I thought I'd share the "nose trick" everyone's been asking about. In case you missed it, I used Lightroom to get the red out, while doing a portrait model retouch. Here are the basic steps for the nose portion of that video: [More]

Photoshop Crop Tool Tips


In a previous TipSquirrel article I explained how to size images for print & web. As a matter of practice, I use the Crop Tool when I want to quickly make adjustments to image or canvas size. Here are some of my favorite tips: Resample an Image to Size [More]

Adobe Quick Tip Thursday


Greetings all! Just some quick tips today as I'm getting myself together for this weekend's D2W conference. As always we're talking Photoshop so let's throw out the tips: 1. Did you know you can use your keyboard's Numeric Keypad to change a Layer's opacity? Dial 0-9 to get 100% through 90% opacity. Dial two digits (54) to get 54% opacity. USEFUL TIP - If you're using a brush-based tool you'll change the brush opacity INSTEAD of the Layer opacity. [More]

Lightroom vs Adobe Bridge


It may come as a shock, but with the pending releases of Lightroom 3 and CS5 currently on the brain, folks still have time to debate whether to use Lightroom or Adobe Bridge. Really? This is still a question? *grin* [More]

Ask A.J. About Photoshop #1


Today's guest post is a little different. To kick off the new "Ask A.J." series I thought it best to respond with a video answer to the questions posted. Little did I know the adventure awaiting me as I tried to render out the screencast file, then upload to YouTube, then to Vimeo. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired from the early AM recording, but it's all for you dear readers. Watch the video, leave some comments, and spread the word if you think this is a good thing. Oh, and forgive me if I drift off a bit towards the end, I made it through the night without so much as a drop of caffeine. [More]

Photoshop Sizing Images


Thanks to Tip Squirrel for having me here as a guest blogger. I'm not one to mince words, so let's jump right into this morning's lesson. We're going to discuss Image Sizing. Often overlooked, sometimes confusing, easily dismissed, but oh so important. First thing is to get to the Image Size command: Press CMD+OPT+I (CTRL+ALT+I) to open the Image Size dialogue or choose Image->Image Size from the Photoshop menu. [More]
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