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Are You Quality?


“We are what we repeatedly do” ~Aristotle Caveat Emptor No doubt about it, this is the age of quantity! We want it all, preferably for less, and we want it now! How many of us pass up the [More]

Age Spots


There are tons of digital photo restoration tutorials online these days, on fixing torn pieces on old photos, and matching colors when adding things to the photo. One recent tutorial put torn pieces [More]

Lightroom vs Adobe Bridge


It may come as a shock, but with the pending releases of Lightroom 3 and CS5 currently on the brain, folks still have time to debate whether to use Lightroom or Adobe Bridge. Really? This is still a question? *grin* [More]

Welcome To Photoshop


photoshop  (v.)”to edit an image using a computer program,” 1992, originally in ref. to Photoshop, a bitmap graphics editor trademarked and published by Adobe, released in 1990.” [More]

Scanning For Restoration


So, you’ve got this great old photo you want to restore. What are the steps you need to take to get it into your computer so you can perform some Photoshop magic? Is the photo in fairly good [More]

Becoming an ACE and ACI


Becoming an Adobe Certified Expert or Certified Instructor is something that I’ve found that many people are interested in. There seems to be a lot of questions about how to get certified, and [More]
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