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Eric Renno

Create an Optical Illusion in Photoshop


In just three layers I create an optical illusion that reveals a word when you shake your head. Its a bit of fun and I’d love to see,  any you create. Tag TipSquirrel on any social media and, [More]

Adding a Sepia Tone in Photoshop


In this 30 Second Photoshop video I’ll show you how to add a sepia tone to your images in three easy steps. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more tutorials from my channel!   [More]

Boundary Warp in Photoshop and Lightroom 


In this quick tip video I take a look at Boundary Warp in Photoshop and Lightroom. For those shooting panoramas it can make a lot of difference to your final piece. If you’d like to see a text [More]
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