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Eric Renno

Using The Lens Flare Filter in Photoshop


The Lens Flare has been a part of Photoshop for some time and is a quick and easy way to add a little ‘something’ to your image. A word of caution however, because of its ease of use its often [More]

Adding Rim Light with Photoshop


When you’re compositing with Photoshop you’ll often be adding a light source or two, sometimes the light will come from behind. To ‘sell’ the effect you may want to add a rim light. In [More]

How to Make a Cinemagraph in Photoshop


A cinemagraph is a mix of still and moving image. The majority of the image is usually still while there’s one or more elements that have movement. Cinema graphs are very popular at the moment at are reasonably easy to complete inside Photoshop. [More]

Making A Photoshop Moon Brush


Photoshop brushes are all greyscale, where the brush is darker its less opaque, brighter less so. This means that we can make some quite detailed brushes by converting images to grayscale. In this [More]

Punch Through Text Effect in Photoshop


In this video I use text and Shape layers to create a really simple, but effective, text effect inside of Photoshop. While I'm there I'll also use a few layer effects to make the text a little more interesting including Bevel, Drop Shadow and the sadly underestimated Satin (I like Satin) [More]

The Unsung Hero of the Latest Photoshop Update. Thanks John Nack


The latest Photoshop update has caused a lot of interest, and why not, the list of updates is pretty impressive! You can find list below of some of the major updates, but there’s one on the list, tucked right at the bottom, that I’ve be dreaming of since goodness knows when! I remember the then Principal Product Manager at Adobe John Nack telling Bert Monroy on his Pixelperfect podcast that this feature was coming soon… if memory serves this was in 2009, when CS4 was the current version. But, true to his word, we got it, and although Mr Nack is no longer at Adobe I’d like to thank him for getting it started… [More]

Photoshop Blur Gallery – Field Blur


Last time we took a look at Photoshop’s Iris Blur to draw attention to areas of the image, in this post let’s have a look at the similar, yet different, Field Blur. Photoshop's Field Blur can quickly and easily draw interest to an image, here's how; [More]

Photoshop Blur Gallery – Iris Blur


Adding blur to an image can help to give your image some depth, and draw interest to certain aspects of the composition. Photoshop CC has some great new blurs in the Blur Gallery, we already looked at the Path Blur, this time lets look at Iris Blur. [More]

Soft Glow – Gaussian Blur Photoshop Quick Tip


Gaussian was a brilliant mathematician and developed an algorithm that works amazingly well for creating blurs. I would be happy to explain the algorithm, however 1. I don’t really have the space here and 2. I wouldn’t know where to start. What I do know is that for a very long time it was the go to blur for a number of effects. [More]
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