Why I’m A Fan of…

Rafael “RC” Concepcion
More about RC
Blog at Layers Magazine
Classes at KelbyTraining
Scott Kelb’ys Introduction
Why I’m a Fan of RC
This isn’t going to be a tribute to the training skills of RC, although it could be. It isn’t going to be a tribute to the way he and Cory Barker have turned LayersTV into a ‘must see’ podcast series, although it could be that too. Instead this is a small way of acknowledging RC’s time spent with his target audience.
Now some of the younger people might not understand this, but for humble old me to have direct contact with someone in RC’s position is extraordinary. What is more special about RC however, is the extent to which he makes himself accessible to us minions.
I guess this blog post is as much a tribute to the trainer as it is a thank you to the man, so before it gets to slushy, thanks RC.
Find RC:
Have a fun-filled weekend everyone.
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