Using Textures in Photoshop
It’s with great pleasure that we welcome this week’s guest poster Andie Smith.
Admit it…textures are hot right now!!!! They are artsy, and edgy, and just flat out awesome! They can be used on flowers, travel and portrait images. Some textures are grungy, some add color, some just make an image pop!
So how do you use textures?? Well…it is really really easy! Open the image you want to “texturize”.
Next open up 2-3 textures you want to use. There is no limit on how many you can use! I used these three images that I’ve included for you to play with! Drag the 1st one to the top of your image and resize.
You need to change your blending mode, I usually use overlay or soft light and change the opacity to 25%-50%. I also add a masking layer so, I can erase parts of the texture. Personally I use a round soft brush at 40% opacity.
Repeat the step above, until your image is to your liking!
If you have a mark or design across a face, use the smudge tool to smooth it out.
Have fun…don’t be afraid to experiment with textures! See I told you it was easy!!! Textures can be subtle and add a bit of depth to your image, or they can be grungy and add a whole new feel to an image.
Excellent, Andie! Thanks for writing this! I am still playing with textures… love the look of them
it’s great that you made that easy.
and that you included the part about the masks.
textures on skin tones: blech. (imho)
Thank you for posting this great tutorial. The instruction is easy to follow, and the results I have gotten are amazing! Love it!