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Lightroom Workflow : Good to Great


I get questions all the time about my workflow, and in this tutorial I’m answering some specific questions I got related to some recent bird photos I posted on my Flickr photostream. Some other photographers had been with me and struggled to capture images in the same location and time. In addition to the workflow I present in this video, I’ll add some additional tips [More]

Using Non-Linear History in Photoshop


The History panel within Photoshop is something most users have made us of in their workflows. One of the most common things I see happen with beginners is accidentally erasing History Steps (aka History States). This generally happens when someone clicks a Snapshot not realizing that can erase History, or more often someone chooses a previous step and does something new. If you add non-linear history to your workflow that's a quick way to keep as much of your history as you've set in your preferences. Enjoy! [More]