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Photoshop Blur Gallery – Path Blur


Blur, the nemesis of all photographers, but there’s times when adding it can really make a difference, in this tutorial I take a look at Path Blur, one of the latest additions to Photoshop's Filter menu; [More]

Dude, Where’s My Save For Web?


With the update from Photoshop CC 2014 to Photoshop CC 2015 Adobe make a lot of great changes, as always there were the headline grabbers but there were a few little tweaks that didn’t hit the [More]

Creating a Chiseled Text Effect in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


We'll be using Photoshop layer styles to achieve the effect as well as the somewhat obscure Type Mask tool. If you're not familiar with this tool, it's a little like a cross between the Type tool and Quick Mask; we can type our text as usual but when it's committed, instead of creating a layer with the text it creates a selection; this is perfect for the technique as we do not need to work on the text directly. You can follow the original tutorial using the link above but change the dimensions to 1000x200 pixels to create the correct document size. If you don't want to start the image from scratch, it can be downloaded here. [More]

Get Stuck In To Photoshop – A Beginners Guide


In this video I help those opening up Photoshop for the first time and being a little overawed by it all. We’ll take a quick look at the layout of Photoshop before singling out the tools and filters best suited for your first ‘play’ with this amazing software. [More]

Stroke Path With Brush – Extra


In this video I take a look at an old favourite Stroke Path With Brush. This time though I go a little further and experiment with more options. I admit, I love using this feature and may have been a [More]

A Quick Look at Vignettes in Adobe Camera Raw


In this video I take a look at the old and new vignette settings in Adobe Camera Raw. Previously designed to remove unwanted vignettes from images they have become part of the artistic toolbox of the photographer. [More]

Rotating The Clone Stamp in Photoshop


In this video TipTorial I take a quick look at some of the parameters that can be changed when using Photoshop’s Clone Stamp Tool. In particular, how to rotate and flip the stamp. Many thanks to Janine Smith for providing the photograph. Also a nod to Gavin Hoey for helping me realise the difference between CS5 and earlier versions. [More]

Doing more with Photoshop Layer Styles


I like working with the Layer Effects in Photoshop but what really stated me using them more was when I learnt how to seperate the effects. In this ‘tiptorial’ I’m going to use put Layer Effects onto Layer Effects. [More]