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Quick Tips

Photoshop’s Share Button


With Adobe’s Creative Cloud you can now have automatic updates, pretty handy, but from time to time something might slip by without you noticing, and this recently happened to me. Keep an Eye [More]

Adding Rim Light with Photoshop


When you’re compositing with Photoshop you’ll often be adding a light source or two, sometimes the light will come from behind. To ‘sell’ the effect you may want to add a rim light. In [More]

The Art of the Crop and Photoshop Power Tips


In this tutorial I’m not going to tell you HOW to do something, but offer you brief insight into WHY you should do it (and give you 5 power tips to inspire.) Adobe software allows you to crop [More]

Toggle Views in Photoshop CC


Changes to Photoshop CC mean that some people aren't able to use the F key shortcut for different views, here's how to re enable it. [More]

Soft Glow – Gaussian Blur Photoshop Quick Tip


Gaussian was a brilliant mathematician and developed an algorithm that works amazingly well for creating blurs. I would be happy to explain the algorithm, however 1. I don’t really have the space here and 2. I wouldn’t know where to start. What I do know is that for a very long time it was the go to blur for a number of effects. [More]

Dude, Where’s My Save For Web?


With the update from Photoshop CC 2014 to Photoshop CC 2015 Adobe make a lot of great changes, as always there were the headline grabbers but there were a few little tweaks that didn’t hit the [More]

Photoshop CC 2015 Install


By now, most of you know about the big Creative Cloud version update, CC 2015. Some of you have no doubt already installed the update. If you haven’t, or you have but you missed this part, be aware [More]

ACR Workflow Options Quick Tip


In this video I take a look at the Adobe Camera Raw Workflow Options. There's a lot of power hidden in this dialogue box but it comes with a few quirks. [More]
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