Tuesday’s Fur Saving Top Tips
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Tuesday Top Tip – When Things Don’t Work
It’s one of those annoying things that happen from time to time. You pick up the mouse or pen and start to create your masterpiece and nothing happens. Here’s a few things to remember so that when this happens to you, you’ll be able to put things right.
Painting but Nothing is Happening

A common and frustrating mistake, you just created a layer mask and are merrily painting away on that. Easy to correct, just click the layer’s icon. Don’t forget to undo what you did to your mask if that has been effected.
Its a handy thing but can catch you out. A selection, and guides can be hidden by pressing Cmd (Ctr)+H. The selection stays active so if you try and work outside it, nothing happens.
Check the settings. Subtlety is more often than not the best idea but don’t forget to raise up the opacity sliders when you are done so that it wont catch you out next time.

Don’t forget the blending option too. Not just in the layers pallet, but the brush has it’s own setting too up there under the menu bar.
No Paintbrush Just a Cross-hair (and I’m pulling my fur out!!)
I remember the first time this happened to me, I think I may need to see a therapist to get over it.
Hit the Caps Lock to get your brush back. Pressing Caps Lock again will get you the cross-hair back again if you want to do those intricate jobs.
Can’t Add a Layer

You probably opened an image that you didn’t realise was a .gif. Easy solved, go to Image> Mode > and choose a colour space to work in, Grayscale, RGB, CMYK Color or LAB.
Choose a Colour but It Shows as Gray.
You’re on the layer mask again or you are in the Grayscale colour mode.
Slowly but surely TipSquirrel is spreading out, you can now find us with some of our new found friends on Facebook. I look forward to seeing you there!
Have a great Tuesday. See you all tomorrow.
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