Tuesday Top Tip – Centre
When you’re moving things around the screen there are going to be times, maybe lots of times, that you want various elements to be in the centre, or have centres lined up. Here’s a few ways to do it;

With the layer selected press Cmd (Ctrl)+T to enter free transform. In the centre of the object you’ll find a cross hair shape. Guides will snap to these.
Speaking of guides: choosing New Guide from the view menu allows you to choose exactly where you want a guide. A percentage figure can be put in here as well as other measurement units.

Having Smart Guides on means that Photoshop will let you know when the centre of two elements are aligned.

As well as this it will let you know when tops, bottoms and sides are aligned, including combinations of them.

From the menu – [View] [show] [Smart Guides]

The above menu is available when you have the move tool selected and has some handy alignment options. For this tip we are interested in;

This will align selected layers using their centre points, while

will align selected layers horizontally.
What’s really cool about these tools is that they can be used to align to a selection. So, selecting an area, selecting the layer and then using one of the above, will align the layer to the centre of the selection.
(In this example I used both alignments to get the box central)
And that’s getting things central to each other.
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