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Tuesday Tip – Really Easy Text Effect

To those in the UK I am really sorry. The dreadful Bank Holiday weather was my fault, I jinxed it by buying a patio set on Saturday, still, I managed 15 minutes on it. Nice to get back to business again and so without any more ado…


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Tuesday Top Tip – Really Easy Text Thing

Anyone that has visited here before knows that my tips are as easy as I can make them, basically I like it to look like I worked hard on it, but actually spent the time on Twitter and drinking tea. With that in mind here is today’s Top Tip;






Create a new layer and make a text box the same size, or bigger, than the background and type in your text.

Select the text and change it’s colour to the same as the background.

Turn off that layer’s visibility for a moment. (Little eye next to the layer)




Next create the shape that we want to see the text through, in this case I used a PS. Making it nice and big and bold.





Don’t forget to have a play about in the text palette. In my case I pulled the letters together a bit.





Turn back on the visibility of the first text layer and then ‘Clip’ them together. 

To do this, hold down your ctr/cmd key and bring the mouse between the two layers in the layers palette. You’ll see two interlaced circles appear, click.

Lets give it a soft edge now.




Right click on the second text layer (PS in the example) and choose ‘Convert to Smart Object’. Now we clan play about with this layer with no fear of messing it up.





From the menu choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and give your layer some blur.

Click OK and there we are.


Have a play about, you might be surprised what you can do with very little effort.


Drop Shadow


Here I added a drop shadow to the first text layer








And on this one, a gradient overlay on the first text layer.






So there we are,have a great day, all being well I’ll see you tomorrow.

About Eric Renno (435 Articles)
Eric’s background in video editing with Adobe Premier led to his interest, and then obsession, with Photoshop. Starting TipSquirrel.com as a hobby he is proud to have gathered together and be a part of The Photoshop Nuts. Known as only “TipSquirrel” for two years, Eric ‘went public’ when he was a finalist in The Next Adobe Photoshop Evangelist competition. He’s also been a finalist in Deke’s Techniques Photoshop Challenge. While still taking on some freelance work, Eric has recently become a Lecturer at Peterborough’s Media and Journalism Centre where he enjoys sharing his knowledge as well as learning new skills. This realisation that he loves to teach has made Eric look at altering his career path.

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