The Non Audio – Non Visual Nut Cluster
Its surprising just how long it takes to put a five minute podcast together, but due to this and the increasing amount of non TipSquirrel related work, The Nut Cluster has had to take a bit of a re-shuffle.
Its been decided that the podcast will be ‘infrequent’ rather than weekly and that a few planned specials will be made.
Shameless Self Promotion
Monday I posted a list of Photoshop trainers and links to their web and Twitter pages.
Tuesday, and Simon showed us how to make a face mask inspired by the film Watchmen.
Wednesday, Janine gave us Blend-o-Rama, the second part of her amazing Calculations tutorial.
Divine promises to take a Photoshop document and make it into a Wordpess theme. I’ve not had a chance to play with this, so if you have, please let us know your experience.
I came across the website of Helen Brady this week. Helen offers Photoshop and Lightroom tips on her blog, but also has sister sites Pro Photo Blog and MS Office Tips, Tricks and Tutorials.
Not new but I thought I’d mention this set of brushes. I needed some cobwebs and had the pen tool at the ready when I thought of looking for a brush set. I was really pleased with these.
How about these for making your backgrounds look a bit more techy. Best Design Options have collected together 1000 of brushes that have a technical theme.
I love a good collection of fonts and have collected a really nice set here. Nothing quirky just clean usable fonts.
Have a great weekend and we’ll see you back here on Monday with another guest poster.
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