Ten Things Beginners Should Know in Lightroom
10. The “F” key cycles through screen modes just like Photoshop. Your menus have gone missing? Press CMD+OPT+F (CTRL+ALT+F) to immediately return to the normal screen mode.
9. Side panels keep disappearing? Turn off Auto-Hide for Panels. Right-click the triangle icon on the side panels and change the setting to “Manual”. Works for top & bottom panels as well.
8. Sometimes you see the filename, other times you see a camera setting overlay? The “I” key cycles through the Info Overlay screens in the Loupe view. There are TWO overlay info screens. Press CMD+I (CTRL+I) to toggle the Info Overlay on & off. Press CMD+J to edit what is shown for Info 1 & Info 2.
7. No numbers on your thumbails? No icons indicating keywords or edits? The “J” key cycles through View Styles in the Grid view while in the Library module.
6. Seeing blue and/or red if your photo? The “J” key toggles clip warnings on & off in the Develop module.
5. Press “T” to toggle the Tool bar on & off. Use the option menu on the far right to show all available tools (assuming your screen is wide enough to display).
4. Not seeing all the photos within folders? Go to the menu and choose Library–>Show Photos in Subfolders.
3. Already have a bunch of RAW files imported in Lightroom? Want to convert them to DNG? Select the images, the choose Library–>Convert to DNG.
2. Hold the OPT/ALT key while adjusting panel sliders in the Develop module to see clipping, emboss or detail overlays.
1. Press CMD+ / (CTRL+ / ) to show Lightroom shortcut keys for EACH module.
very useful, thanks
An excellent crib sheet for all Lightroom beginners..
This could easily turn into a series
Very useful reminder not just for beginners, I need reminders mor and more.
So I edited a photo in Lightroom 3. I exported the photo and closed Lightroom.
After a while I loaded up Lightroom again, just to find out that the only change I could see on my earlier edited photo was that I have changed it from color to black/white.
All my “adjustment brush” edits are not showing up on the picture anymore. I can see the “pins” and the “overlay” but nothing more.
What happened?
Hope you can help me.