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The new Perspective Warp in Photoshop CC


Adobe Photoshop CC now has a new Perspective Warp feature, just introduced, that will allow you to adjust the perspective of image elements in an automated and controlled way. This will help you to create more realistic composites from images that may not match in their original perspective. [More]

Photoshop Warp – Problems and Solutions


Its a helpful feature of Photoshop but can test the patience of a saint sometimes. Here’s an example of when I wanted to use Photoshop’s Warp function but it just wouldn’t do what I wanted. In this video I convince Photoshop that up is down and back is front. [More]

The Picture on the Wall (pt. 1)


(Authors Note: My New Years resolution is to try and keep my tutorials a bit shorter. I’ve started off quite well,if I say so myself, but I feel I must warn you: My New Year resolutions usually [More]

Smarter Texting –Transforming Editable Text


TipSquirrel welcomes back  Rebecca Fryer This a quick tip to help you achieve editable transformed text Click to Enlarge To begin with create some Text in my example I used Cooper Black font as it [More]