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Vintage Portrait Effect with Photoshop


In this video, what's old is new. We'll look at the restoration process in reverse! We'll take a modern image, and explore ways to simulate the vintage look of vintage photographs. While there are plug-ins that can do some of this work for you, I rather like the hand-crafted, unique results that you get when you experiment with different effects and techniques, and that's exactly what we'll do here. [More]

Wrap a 2D Image onto a 3D Cylinder in Photoshop


Today we answer a viewer question from the TipSquirrel mailbag: How do I wrap a 2D image onto a 3D cylinder in Photoshop? For an existing file or JPG image, the solution isn’t difficult, but as with all things Photoshop, there are a number of ways to accomplish this task. [More]

Steamy Window Effect in Photoshop


In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create the impression of looking through a steamy, misted up window. We’ll use a bunch of standard Photoshop filters including the Fibres and Diffuse Glow effects. If you’ve never used those before you’re not alone but it’s never too late to discover their power. [More]

Applying Texture to a Contour Using Photoshop


Now the very first TipSquirrel Workshop  being held at the incredible Peterborough Cathedral is fast approaching and following a recent visit to get a feel for the place and narrow down what kind of [More]

Use FFT To Reduce Texture


Anyone that knows me knows I never lost that trait found mostly in children around the two year mark, known as the “Why gene”. I don’t want to just know that something works; I want to know why [More]

Stencil From Photo


A few months ago I was playing with Photoshop and made a couple of stencil pictures out of stock photos (See them here) so I thought I’d do a short tutorial on how to make them.   Step 1.  Go to [More]

Smoothing Texture (Redux)


This weeks post is a re-post of a tutorial I had on my blog, Janinealogy, way back in…well, way back. I beg everyones forgiveness for this bit of laziness on my part, but with my home network [More]

Texture Matching


Something I’ve noticed about digital photo restoration tutorials: we do seem to love our “good old dependables”! We embrace our Clone Stamp and Patch Tools, revere our healing brushes and [More]

Using Textures in Photoshop


It’s with great pleasure that we welcome this week’s guest poster Andie Smith.   Admit it…textures are hot right now!!!!   They are artsy, and edgy, and just flat out awesome! They [More]