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Dynamic Repeat Grids in Adobe Xd


Last Time In my last video post, I looked at making a simple 3×3 grid in Adobe Xd with slightly rounded corners, I then saved this out for Instagram. This time around I’ll go a bit [More]

Free Social Media Templates


Hello! It’s been a while but I’m back and recording new tutorials. To kick things off I’m offering a couple of Social Media Templates to use in Photoshop (and Experience Design (Xd) [More]

Facebook Cover Template (late 2015) in Photoshop CC


Facebook is rolling out more changes! The cover image and profile image dimensions are changing again and these latest changes mean that all those nicely crafted facebook covers no longer work! But fear not, Tipsquirrel.com has you covered (baboom tish! sorry for the poor pun). This post shows how to create the perfectly positioned profile image & cover using our FREE Facebook Cover Template for the late 2015 changes. Below is a walk through of how to create your own pixel perfect facebook cover, and after the walkthrough is the downloadable template available only from Tipsquirrel [More]

Create A Template To Display Your Image As A Mounted Canvas In Photoshop Part 2


In my last tutorial we saw how to create a reusable template to display our artwork as though they were mounted on canvas in situ. The base image I used is a sofa against a wall, both in neutral colours. Whilst this works well most for most images, what if we want to see how the picture would fit a particular location: a client's office or a married couple's lounge, perhaps? In this article I’m going to take the template idea further to enable us to alter the colour of both the sofa and wall colour, giving us far more freedom to match the artwork to specific decor. As before, this will be completely non-destructive as we'll be using adjustment layers and masks to create the effect. We can continue where we left off the last time. If you didn’t see the article, you can access it here, or you can just work with the base image – link below – and add in the artwork later. [More]

Create A Template To Display Your Image As A Mounted Canvas In Photoshop


Today’s Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a custom reusable template to display your images as though they have been wall-mounted and photographed in situ. There are many reasons you might want to create an image like this, Here, we’ll be creating the effect of a canvas print but the technique could easily be adapted to make framed prints as well. The secret behind the technique is the use of Smart Objects, which enables us to quickly change the image being displayed, whilst retaining the shadows and effects used to make the canvas. [More]

Lightroom’s Filename Template Editor


There are various places within Lightroom where you can rename files - during import, during export, and within the Library module. But, in each case, Lightroom offers a Filename Template with a powerful editor. Understanding the capabilities of the Filename templates is the key to unlocking tremendous flexibility in renaming your image files. [More]

Quick Filmstrip Template in Photoshop


If you’ve already upgraded to Photoshop CS5 then you have probably already tried some of the amazing headline grabbing new features. Things like Puppet Warp, Content Aware Fill and HDR Pro are [More]