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Simon Rudd

Getting Freaky with Photoshop Patch Tool


I will show you how to remove your eyes, nose and mouth easily from a photo just using the patch and healing tools. When creating horror pictures its often useful to remove whole parts of a face, and start again, as such I found using this method where we can remove any part of a face very easily. [More]

Wide Eyed Cat – Have Fun in Photoshop


A few years ago there were a number of birthday cards with large eyed cats and dogs on them, I thought I would spend a few minutes showing you how you can make your own spin on this idea. [More]

Cartoon Vector Clouds with Photoshop


With Photoshop we can create vector images, but as they are rendered as pixels and not points they become vulnerable to the same problems associated with normal pictures – eg degradation when blown up. But that's not to say we cant have some fun and make some cool pictures using simple techniques. [More]

Use Photoshop to Add Some Cloud


Sometimes a blue sky is lovely, especially when you're trying to get a tan :) but sometimes you may want to add some clouds to that perfect sky – it may make things more interesting. That's easily achieved with this Photoshop quick tip. [More]
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