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HDR Sharpening in Photoshop


I recently put a photo up on Facebook and Twitter that generated a lot of buzz, using HDR Toning in Photoshop CS5 as a way to sharpen old photos. I discovered this method while working on the Adobe [More]

Editing Eyes in Lightroom


One of the things I love about Lightroom is the flexibility of the Adjustment brushes. Most people know how to dodge or burn an area of the photo with these adjustment brushes but are maybe unaware [More]

High Pass Sharpening in Photoshop


Photoshop offers many sharpening options but there is one that often gets overlooked and this is High Pass Sharpening. The High Pass filter does not reside with the other sharpening filters but lives [More]

Luminosity Sharpening 3 Ways


Last time on TipSquirrel, on our ever-expanding journey into blend modes in Photoshop, we looked at the Luminosity blend mode. This mode allowed us to use the brightness values from one layer to make [More]

Photoshop Blend Modes Part 5


Monday means Mike Hoffman. Here he continues his tour of Photoshop’s Blend Mode  This week, we’ll continue our exploration of practical uses of the Overlay blending mode in Photoshop. Recall [More]

3 Ways to sharpen your RAW images.


TipSquirrel is delighted to welcome guest poster Gavin Hoey.     If you’re serious about your photography then the chances are you shoot your images in RAW most, if not all, of the time. With RAW [More]