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Pen Tool in Photoshop–Straight Paths


In part 2 of my series on using the Pen Tool within Photoshop, we finally do break out the Pen Tool, and start drawing straight line paths. Learn how to place and modify corner anchor points, and how to close a path. With the closed path, we'll learn how to save the path, load the path as a selection and use it as a layer mask. [More]

Pen Tool in Photoshop – Path Fundamentals


In this series of videos, we are going to work our way from the basics to pen tool mastery, but we need to start with the fundamentals. In fact, in this video, I’m not even going to use the pen tool. Instead, we’ll spend our time understanding how paths work in Photoshop, so that when we do start using the pen tool, we’ll be on familiar ground. [More]

Replacing a view through a window with clipping masks in Photoshop Elements


In this month's Photoshop Elements tutorial I'm going to demonstrate a neat trick for changing the view through a window. There are many ways to approach this, of course, this is a particularly versatile method, however. Instead of cutting out the glass areas of the window and putting the new view beneath, we'll use the window panes as a clipping mask. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of clipping masks, it's a way of hiding parts of a layer based on the visible areas of the layer below. In this case, only the parts of the new view will be visible where they overlap the window panes, giving the impression that we're seeing the scene behind the window frame. This is often preferable to the usual masking technique, particularly if we want to use multiple images to build the composite, where the layers would need to be beneath the target layer as we can control the visibility without the need to move the layers around in the stack. If we want to see the whole image, we simply unclip it. [More]

Introducing Photoshop Touch for iPad


It was only a matter of time. When a device like the Apple iPad is developed for mobile computing and creative uses, working with photos is a given. That means making selections and layers, applying [More]

Masking with The Photoshop Pen Tool


Creating a good mask is one of the essential skills in compositing images within Photoshop. Recognizing the right tool for the masking job is an art in itself. Today, we’ll look at an often overlooked, but highly effective way of creating a very good mask – using the Pen Tool in Photoshop. [More]

Apply a “Pinch Curve” to Tighten a Layer Mask


Howdy & Hello! As Photoshop continues to improve, our digital workflows become more efficient as we replace old techniques with new features. How many of you have embraced the Refine Edge dialogue commands, or the Adjustment & Masking panels? If you've been reading Michael Hoffman's articles here at TipSquirrel there should be no doubt about the usefulness of those improved features. What happens when you're put in front of an older version of Photoshop WITHOUT those cool new features? A smart person has TipSquirrel bookmarked because you never know when you'll need an old school technique. Let's take a look at how to use a "pinch curve" to choke in a layer mask in Photoshop. [More]