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Create A Template To Display Your Image As A Mounted Canvas In Photoshop Part 2


In my last tutorial we saw how to create a reusable template to display our artwork as though they were mounted on canvas in situ. The base image I used is a sofa against a wall, both in neutral colours. Whilst this works well most for most images, what if we want to see how the picture would fit a particular location: a client's office or a married couple's lounge, perhaps? In this article I’m going to take the template idea further to enable us to alter the colour of both the sofa and wall colour, giving us far more freedom to match the artwork to specific decor. As before, this will be completely non-destructive as we'll be using adjustment layers and masks to create the effect. We can continue where we left off the last time. If you didn’t see the article, you can access it here, or you can just work with the base image – link below – and add in the artwork later. [More]

Soft Border with Photoshop Selection Techniques


This technique is one of those ones that acts as a starting point. Creating the soft border really is very simple when you know how, but how you use it has endless possibilities. From Blending Modes to colour, everything will have an impact on how your image is presented. [More]

Quick Mask-Style Selections in Photoshop Elements


I recently wrote an article here on TipSquirrel about using Photoshop's Pencil tool to make complicated selections. A comment was posted asking if the same thing was possible using Photoshop Elements. The answer to that is yes, but, as with a few things in Elements, we have to use a couple of workarounds. The original tutorial used Photoshop's Quick Mask feature. This allows us to create selections by painting them with the Brush tool (or any other of the drawing tools); the selected areas show up as a coloured overlay. Elements doesn't have this feature, sadly, so we'll be using an adjustment layer and its mask to achieve the same result. [More]

Quickly Spot Mistakes in Your Photoshop Masks


If you do any kind of Photoshop work using selections and cutouts, you'll know how important it is to be as accurate as possible, particularly when working with images of people. It's easy to miss areas of an object when using the Quick Selection tool, especially when working in intricate areas such as hands, bits of clothing and so on; irregularities can stick out like a sore thumb - or a missing one. They also have a habit of only showing themselves after we think we've finished the cutout, or worse still, we don't notice them at all! [More]

Creating Torn Edges in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


This month I'm donning my top hat and tuxedo to perform a spectacular card trick for you. First, I'll tear the card in half and then, without so much as a wave of a magic wand, I'll seamlessly mend it right in front of your very eyes! Seriously, though, if you've ever gone delving into the many filters available in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, you will no doubt have come across the Torn Edges filter. As the name suggests, it will give you a super torn edge effect on your image. Well, no, actually it won't, not if it's applied directly to the image, that is; all you'll end up creating is a fuzzy monochrome graphic element. [More]

Selecting Hair in Photoshop Elements 11


Photoshop Elements keeps getting better and better with each new release. With the recent release of Elements 11, Adobe has crammed even more Photoshop’s power into Elements with the addition of [More]

Mixed Masking in Photoshop


In our last installment, we looked at masking with the pen tool in Photoshop. The pen tool is a powerful way to create nice smooth paths – which can be used to create nice, smooth selections and [More]

Photoshop Quick Mask


Greetings all! Hope your week has been brilliant, and you have plenty to look forward to this weekend. Today I’ve made a video on how to use Quick Mask mode in Photoshop. Quick Mask mode, [More]

Photoshop’s Selection Tool Options


In this article let’s look at some Marquee Tool Options. You‘ll notice it changes depending on which tool you have selected, even which marquee tool. So lets have a look at what’s what. [More]

Instant Valentines Day Card with Photoshop


Valentines day is fast approaching, so here at TipSquirrel we've got the perfect tutorial for you. Depending on your point of view, this technique will either help you make a very personal and romantic valentines card, that truly expresses your deep and undying love... or... it can save you a load of time and small fortune on shop bought cards. Either way watch the video to discover exactly how it's all done. [More]

Designing with Layer Masks


Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at selections and masking, and today we will take masking to yet another level, as we create an entire design using nothing but layer masks. If you’ve been [More]

Capturing Details with Refine Mask


Last week on TipSquirrel, I introduced the Masks Panel, and today we’re going to take a closer look at an old feature that is new again with CS5. A few versions ago, Adobe introduce the Refine Edge [More]

Using the Photoshop Masks Panel


In the past several tips I’ve explored ever more deeply into the art of creating selections. Of course, one of the primary uses of selections is to create a mask, in order to non-destructively hide [More]

Selecting with Color Range


One of the most powerful and useful tools for creating a selection in Photoshop is also the most often ignored and the least understood. In fact, it generally isn’t even regarded as a tool at all, [More]
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